
Are you looking for a valuation or do you have questions regarding the sale of your home?

Valuing your home is not an exact science. Get several experts to estimate your property and you are guaranteed to get varying values. This is because so many factors have an influence, such as EPC value, location, habitable area, level of finishing, number of bedrooms, orientation of the garden, presence of a car park, and so on.

In the end, there is only one price that really matters, and that is the price the market is willing to pay.

How to find out how much your property is worth according to the market, I can tell you.

Interested? Then fill in the form below and receive all the information regarding my approach.

Capital Estates bv

Steenbakkerijstraat 46 Box D8
1020 Brussel

Telephone : +32 483 17 54 04

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